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A traditional Jersey recipe passed down from generation to generation, the Jersey Wonder is a sweet dough made with flour, sugar, butter and eggs then twisted and cooked in oil. The twist and recipe can vary from parish to parish.
Barbara has perfected hers.
Back in the day the Jersey housewives would fry their wonders when the ocean tide was on the way out. This is because they truly believed that when the tide came back up, the fat in the pan would overflow, ruining the stove!
These were the days when lard was used as a main cooking ingredient in the Jersey Wonder.
Barbara no longer uses lard like the old days, but instead uses sun flower oil along with an array of locally produced ingredients, which allows the Jersey Wonder By Babs to be recognised as a Genuine Jersey Product.
The Jersey Wonder is a food icon and part of Jerseys history. The Wonder By Babs can be found at many cafes and Island Landmarks. Click the ‘Where’ tab at the top of the page to find out where you can enjoy yours!
Below are pictures of Babs in action highlighting the baking process.